Ratified Executives: 

President: Drashtant Varma

Vice-President Academic: Francisco Bonilla

Vice-President Finance & Operations: Milena Ramirez 

Vice-President Events & Services: Kierra MacAlpine 

Vice-President Student Wellness: Beyonce Guiao

Ratified Faculty Councillors:

Law Councillor: Caitlin Grogan 

Arts Councillor : Abby Conrad

Kinesiology Councillor: Rawan Mehrez

Management: Sahil Karnwal

Nursing: Casey Flanagan

Science: Allyson Murray

Ratification of Non-Faculty Councillors
Inclusion: Elle Bahraq

International: Leora Mascarenhas

Women’s: Tanjiba Nourin 

Ratification of Senate

1yr Term: Heer Parabi

1yr Term: Chris Tait

1yr Term: Arushi Sahnis

2yr Term: Ekampreet Singh 

Ratification of Board of Governors:

1yr Term: Caitlin Grogan

 1yr Term: Heer ParabI

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Chief Returning Officer at cro@unbsu.ca